Hope for us today found in the Bible

God’s ability is exceeding and abundantly beyond anything we can ever ask or imagine.

Ephesians 3:20  Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us [KJV Bible]

Are you facing great difficulties today? Do you have health issues that seem to be gigantic? Are there financial problems that are so high you feel you can not see over them?

Many of us are facing these things today. We are feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances of this life. We get our focus on the size of the problem while we forget to remember who our God is. All we can see is problems and troubles.

Maybe we are facing greif and sorrow. Perhaps a broken relationship. We feel so empty and broken and don’t believe that we will ever again feel joy and peace.

This is exactly the time we need to remember our God. Our heavenly Father who so loved us that He willing sent His Son Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. Not only that, but He has promised us new life with joy and peace when we trust in Jesus as our savior and Lord of our life. Even beyond this, He has promised us eternal life with Him forever. If we have confessed our sins and asked Him to forgive us our sins, He has promised us that He will do just that.

Our God is bigger than our sins. He is bigger than our problems. He is the comfort for our sorrows. He is our hope for today and tomorrow and forever. He is so much more than we can imagine. He will make a way through all our difficult times. We just need to believe and trust in Him.

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