Daily Devotions

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ESV Bible

Have you ever noticed that in the darkest room or on the darkest night just the light of one small match causes the darkness to back off? Where the light is the darkness cannot be. They two cannot simultaneously exist in the same space. There is either light or there is darkness. Light always removes the darkness. The dawn of every new day brings light that makes the blackness of the night flee away.

With Jesus, the light of the world, living in us, the darkness of sorrow, and trials and pain cannot overcome us. Where His light is there can be no darkness. Whether illness or grief or pain, whatever the darkness is that is trying to overcome you in your life, remember that you have within you the “light of the world” in whom there is no darkness at all. Let Him shine in you and the darkness of those things will have to flee away.

Jesus, light of the world, shine in my life today. Be the light in me that causes the darkness of pain and sorrow to flee away. Thank You for lovingly caring for me and for lighting my pathway. Amen


Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. ESV Bible

Isn’t it good to know that in God through Jesus Christ we find no condemnation, no criticism, no judgment nor disapproval. When we have received the salvation God has provided through Jesus Christ and He becomes Lord of our life, God, the Holy and righteous one finds nothing in us to condemn. We are washed and made clean by the sacrifice of His own Son. Now the Judgement for sin has been removed and we have freedom. We are no longer prisoners of sin.

When sins of your past come back to haunt and condemn you, point them to God, who alone has the right to condemn you, but who now sees you righteous without any condemnation. Do not let the sins of your past life dictate your life today. They have been forever washed away when you receive Jesus’s salvation. Walk with your head held high and with peace in your heart. God has said “neither do I condemn you, go sin no more”. (John 8:11)

Lord help me today to remember that I am not condemned. You have taken the judgment that was against me and removed it forever. Help me to walk in Your freedom, filled with Your peace and joy. Amen