Philippians 2:14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing,
Philippians 2:15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
How often do we grumble or complain when we have something that we have to do, but it is not what we were wanting to do at that moment? Have you said or heard said “that’s not my job”? What kind of light are we showing the world when we react in this manner?
Paul tells us to do “all things” without grumbling or disputing. This means even those things which we do not want to do at the moment. We can do this when we remember that we are to do all things unto the Lord. When we think about the fact that it is of the Lord that we will receive our reward. Do we really desire to please and bless the Lord in all that we do and say? If we take a brief moment to think about the Lord and how doing even those task that are not what we would pick for this moment, we can adjust our attitude and do what we are given to do with a smile because we long to please our Lord.
When others around us see that we can face our day with a joyful attitude and not grumble, dispute or complain, they see us as a shining light as an example to follow. This brings them a good opinion of our faith and causes them to desire to know Christ as Lord in their lives also.
Lord, help me not to grumble, dispute or complain when I am assigned some task that is not to my liking. Help me to do all things heartily to You to please and bless You and to show the world Your light. Amen